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(2024.07.17) |
岐阜県国際交流センターの情報誌である「世界はひとつ」に関する業務も楽しめました。153号から159号まで英語版を翻訳しました。それ以外、日本語版の記事も書きました。もちろん、最初の153号と最後の159号に自己紹介と退任の挨拶を書きました。その上、154号に「イギリスのエリザベス2世崩御と70年在位された功績」の部分、155号に「イギリスの紅茶文化についてご存知でしょうか?」の部分、156号に「イースター(復活祭)と聞くと、何 を思い浮かべますか?」と「当センターで多文化共生サロンイースターを開催しました!」の表紙、157号に「チャールズ3世(イギリス)の戴冠式!」の部分、及び158号に「世界のお正月の習慣」のページを書きました。「世界はひとつ」とこのブログを読むと、私は文章を書くことに情熱があることがわかりますね。
色々な仕事をしてきた中で、一番思い出に残っていることは令和4年と令和5年の「ハローギフ・ハローワールド」のイベントです。令和4年は日リトアニア友好100周年とあわせて日印国交樹立70周年を記念するものでした。令和5年のテーマは日越外交関係樹立50周年記念でした。両方とも6月にみんなの森 ぎふメディアコスモスで開催され、令和4年のイベントの時、岐阜に来たばかりなので、本当に緊張したのを覚えています!母国イギリスの発表をして、子供向けのワークショップを手伝いました。令和5年に他の国からの国際交流員とともに自分の国の魅力を紹介するために、ブースの展示を準備し、写真アルバムを作りました。日中多くの県民と話をして、楽しめました。ハローギフのイベントは多くの国の文化があり、異文化理解を広げることができたと思います。様々な友好協会のブースがあって、踊りといった海外文化を紹介するステージもあります。今年の12月にもハローギフを開催する予定があります。残念ながら、私はもういないので参加できませんが、他の国際交流員と交流できるので、皆さんぜひ行ってみてください。
Since April 2022, I (Aria) have worked here at the Gifu International Centre as an English-speaking CIR from the UK. At the end of July, I will be finishing up my contract and leaving the JET Programme. For the two years and four months that I've been a Coordinator for International Relations, I've diligently carried out my duties. These included going to various places on behalf of various organizations to present about British culture, organizing and holding English classes and events called "Multicultural Salons", translating GIC's information magazine "Sekai wa Hitotsu", and writing posts for this blog.
I would like to extend special thanks to GIC's supporting members who have attended my events and English classes multiple times. During my time working here I have held 5 online courses of English classes, 4 of which were at an intermediate level, and 1 of which was for advanced level learners. I taught English via topics about Britain, for example, British weather, geography, history, cuisine, festivals, work culture and the education system. We also used English news as a learning tool.
Regarding the aforementioned "Multicultural Salons", which are events we organize here at GIC, I've held 5 of them during my tenure. In 2022, I held two "British Tea Party"-themed events, during which participants drank 5 different types of British tea and ate Scottish shortbread biscuits. I also explained in detail the history of tea in Britain, including when it was first imported to Britain, and tea-drinking customs, such as afternoon tea and cream tea. In 2023, I did two events with Gifu's Lithuanian CIRs. In April, I held an event with CIR Giedre about Lithuanian and British Easter customs, and we also explained the religious significance and history of Easter. Following Giedre finishing her contract in July 2023, her successor Agne came to Gifu. In December, Agne and I held a Christmas event together, where we explained the differing Christmas customs in Lithuania and Britain and again detailed the religious meaning and history of the holiday. I held my final "Multicultural Salon" in June this year with GIC's three other CIRs: Quynh Chi from Vietnam, Gustavo from Brazil and Yin from China. We themed the event around the coffee and tea cultures of our respective countries, and participants were able to try drinks from each country. All of these events went very well, and I had a lot of fun organizing and running them, so I'd like to thank everyone who participated!
GIC publishes an information magazine three times per year called "Sekai wa Hitotsu", which translates to "one world" or "the world is one" in English. During my time working at GIC I translated every English edition of the magazine, issues no. 153 to 159. As well as this, I wrote a piece for every publication. In the 153rd edition published shortly after I arrived and the most recent 159th edition, I wrote my self-introduction and goodbye address respectively. In the 154th edition I wrote about Queen Elizabeth 2nd's Platinum Jubilee celebrating her historic 70-year reign; in the 155th edition I wrote about British tea culture, reporting on the tea party events I had held; in the 156th edition I wrote about Easter customs and reported on the recent Easter event on the magazine's cover; in the 157th edition I wrote about King Charles 3rd's coronation; and in the 158th edition I wrote a page about New Year's customs from around the world. I have always taken opportunities to write, both for this blog and for "Sekai wa Hitotsu", as I have a real passion for writing and so I've really enjoyed covering various topics as part of my work!
Within the Gifu International Center, we have both the Gifu Prefectural Consultation Center for Foreign Residents and, since last month, the Gifu Prefectural Japanese Learning Support Center. My duties linked to the Gifu Prefectural Consultation Center for Foreign Residents are doing phone consultations in English and interpreting between English and Japanese with other government offices to provide support for foreign residents with their daily life in Japan. Also, doing translations for the prefectural government and updating the English GIC website and Facebook page with information that foreign residents of Gifu should know, for example, information about Covid-19 cases, disaster prevention and safety measures, information useful for daily life in Japan, etc. I love translating, so if I can do a job related to translation in the future, I would be very happy!
Regarding the Gifu Prefectural Japanese Learning Support Center, I translated English pages on the website to support the opening of the Center. Even before this specific Center opened, GIC has had the Gifu Japanese Learning Support Website since before I arrived, so throughout my time here I have translated updated information for this website. The website includes information about Japanese classes across the prefecture, which enables foreign residents of Gifu to easily search for Japanese classes in their area to aid their Japanese language studies.
Regarding dispatch duties, in which other organizations or municipalities request that a CIR comes to present or participate in an event, I've had the chance to visit many different areas for work. For example, I've been dispatched to Ogaki, Hashima, Kakamigahara, Minokamo, Tajimi, and many more. I've often been requested to do school visits, during which I engage in cultural exchange by presenting to pupils about Britain. For many of these children, opportunities to interact with foreign residents and hear about another culture are rare, so this is a valuable way of furthering multicultural understanding. I've met some school children from other countries or with roots overseas, and they've voiced their happiness at being able to meet an adult from another country. I've also judged school students' English speech and presentation contests. Through dispatches, I've been able to meet lots of kind people from all over Gifu Prefecture, for which I am very grateful.
I've done many events over the last 2+ years, but the events that have stuck with me the most and were very memorable were the two "Hello Gifu, Hello World" events, which GIC held with the Gifu International Association in June 2022 and June 2023, at Minna no Mori Gifu Media Cosmos. The 2022 event was in commemoration of 100th anniversary of the friendship between Lithuania and Japan, and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Japan, while the 2023 event was in commemoration of 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Vietnam. At the time of the 2022 event I'd only recently taken up my position as a CIR, so I was very nervous about speaking at the event! I did a presentation introducing Britain to attendees and helped out with the children's workshop. In 2023, the other CIRs set up a booth displaying photo albums we had made which showed tourist places in each of our countries. During both events I enjoyed meeting many prefectural residents who came to look at the booths. At "Hello Gifu, Hello World" the cultures of many different countries are included as numerous international friendship associations attend and create booths. There are also stage events, for example showcasing traditional dance from different countries. Thanks to this, I believe this annual event successfully furthers cross-cultural understanding in Gifu. There will also be a "Hello Gifu, Hello World" this year, although since it will take place in the latter half of the year instead of in June like the previous two years, I will not be participating as it will be after my contract has ended. That being said, other CIRs will be attending, so if you would like to engage in cultural exchange, please attend the event!
Even though two years and four months is a short time to live in Gifu, I've been able to visit many places in this beautiful prefecture. It's difficult to choose, but I think my favourite place is Gujo Hachiman. I went there during the autumn to see the beautiful red maple leaves, and also during the summer season for the Gujo Odori dance festival, which has been registered under UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage. I'm really glad I was able to experience this traditional practice. I also really like Takayama, Shirakawa-go and Gero Onsen in Gifu's Hida region. I especially love Takayama's striking old town, and when my mum came to Japan for the first time last year we went to Takayama together. I've written blog posts about Gujo (Jan 2023) and Takayama (Nov 2023), so please give them a read if you want to know more detail about these lovely tourist spots! The village of Shirakawa-go has been granted the status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of the unique gassho-zukuri architecture of the buildings and the beautiful scenery surrounding the village. The houses have steep, thatched roofs to withstand the heavy snowfall of the winter months. "Gassho" means "pressing one's hands together in prayer", as that is what the triangular roofs resemble. We don't really have natural hot springs in Britain, so I'm glad I was able to visit Gero Onsen (onsen means hot spring) and experience Japanese hot springs. I went to Gero with a university friend from Austria when she visited, and it was a great experience to stay in a traditional Japanese ryokan inn. Recently, I went to Magome-juku, one of the famous old post towns on the Edo period Nakasendo road connecting Tokyo and Kyoto. It was the last place in Gifu I really wanted to visit, but hadn't been to yet, so I made sure to go before I leave. I was also able to go over the Nagano Prefecture border and see the nearby Tsumago-juku. One day, I would love to hike the Nakasendo trail on a future trip to Japan. Of course, Gifu city, which is where I've been living, also has a lot of attractions and charm. In particular, Gifu castle (the previous home of Oda Nobunaga), the perfectly clear Nagara river, Kawara-machi old street, and the great Buddha statue (Daibutsu) at Shoboji temple, which is apparently the largest lacquered Buddha in Japan. I can't discuss all of Gifu's lovely tourist attractions here, but some other things I've enjoyed a lot are the Usuzumi-zakura tree, Yoro falls and the Mino Washi (paper) festival. Gifu's natural beauty, including the clear streams/waters and the mountains surrounding many towns, greatly differs from Britain's natural beauty (for example, Britain is not very mountainous), so I really appreciate having this chance to live somewhere that looks so different to my home country.
Regarding my plans following leaving GIC, I will be returning home to the UK. I have greatly enjoyed my life in Japan, but I miss my family and friends a lot, so I feel that it's time to head home. I will be entering graduate school and starting a master's degree in the UK, so I'm very excited to further my education! I will be living in London, which is very different to Gifu, with its abundance of natural sights! Of course, I hope to return to Japan in the future as I like to travel. I've already been to 38 of Japan's 47 prefectures, but I would like to visit all of them! I've truly been able to experience and enjoy Japan to the fullest, so I can go home content and without a heavy heart.
I am not the only CIR who will be finishing my contract this month, as French CIR Cloé, American CIR Hayley, and GIC's Vietnamese CIR Quynh Chi will also be leaving. In the edition of "Sekai wa Hitotsu" published on July 1st, we all wrote goodbye addresses, so please take a look at the magazine to read them. Please note that, since the multilingual editions of the magazine are two pages shorter than the Japanese edition, the goodbye addresses are only included in the Japanese edition. It is written in Japanese that is hopefully easy to understand for non-native speakers and furigana is included.
Link to this month's Japanese edition: https://www.gic.or.jp/aboutgic/25de61f3542a5b6746f5fefe9eed51c1f98049af.pdf
I has been a great honour to be able to give the people of Gifu a deeper understanding of British culture through international exchange projects and activities, and I am so very grateful to have met you all. After studying abroad in Osaka from 2018-2019, it became my dream to work in Japan after graduation, and after delays due to the pandemic, I was finally able to achieve this dream in 2022 by working at GIC thanks to being accepted onto the JET Programme as a CIR. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support during these two years and four months. Even though I'm leaving Gifu and going back to the UK, I will cherish the memories of living here for the rest of my life. This will be my final blog post, so I also want to say thank you for reading this blog, as it has truly been a passion project for me!
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