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GIC Information
Gifu Prefecture Compliance Fund to Prevent Spread of COVID-19 (provisional name)

Eligible businesses and conditions

■Eligible businesses

・Small and medium-sized businesses and sole proprietors which operate establishments that have been requested to temporarily suspend operations or reduce their business hours in accordance with the State of Emergency Measures issued to all prefectures.


・Total compliance with requests such as to suspend operations between April 18 and May 6.

・The business was established prior to April 18 and has been in active operation.

・The business has an office within Gifu Prefecture which has suspended operations (businesses with headquarters located outside Gifu Prefecture are eligible).

※Restaurants and cafes, etc. which are not requested to suspend operations are also eligible if they have reduced business hours to cut down night-time operations between 8pm and 5am (such businesses which have suspended operations all day are also eligible).

※"Total compliance" refers to suspension of operations, etc. for the entire period from April 18 to May 6.

Payment amount

 500,000 yen per business

Application process

■Application period

 April 23 (Thurs.), 2020 onwards (end date TBD)

■Application method

 By post

 ※Please understand that applications cannot be made online or in person.

■Documents required for application (provisional)

Please attach the following documents to your Compliance Fund Application Form with required fields completed (corporations should include their Corporate Number)

 ・Documentation which is evidence of active business operations

E.g. a copy of your tax return (kakutei-shinkoku), operating license (eigyo-kyokasho) based on laws and regulations, account books from before suspension of operations, etc.

 ・Documentation which is evidence of suspension of operations

E.g. A copy of account books showing business income such as sales. Documentation which is clear evidence to a third party that business operations have been suspended (copy of company website page announcing closure period, storefront flyer with announcement), etc.

・Written pledge (official declaration that the content of your application does not contain false information)

・Copy of bankbook, etc. showing bank account to be transferred into

Listing of businesses which comply

 ■Listing of businesses/establishments which comply with request

A list of establishments which comply with the request to suspend operations will be published on Gifu Prefecture's official website.

Future schedule

 ■Publication of application guidelines, opening of applications: April 23 (Thurs.) (provisional)

 ■Payment of Compliance Fund: early May (provisional)


Compliance Fund Consultation Center (call center) 

058-278-2551 (8:30 to 17:15)

※Available every day of the week for the time being, including weekends and holidays.

Reference materials

Frequently Asked Questions

List of establishments eligible for the Compliance Fund